The First Elephant in Space
Olli and Ari have their hearts set on going to the moon. Ari builds the first pudding-powered rocket. And it works without a hitch!
“One small step for an elephant, one giant leap for a pig!” exclaims Olli after a successful landing. They’ve come to plant their flag. But there are also lots of surprises in store for them on the moon...

A story about what every child wonders. How is life like on the moon?
With a huge bang, the rocket shoots through the roof up into the sky.
“Woohoo…..Way to go! Look at all those stars and colors. It’ beyond every dream….” Ari yells with excitement.
“Are you sure you know the way?” Olli asks.
“Yess… Just straight ahead. We can’t miss it. There’s only one moon,” Ari says.
With an amazingly power they speed through the heavens.

Olli's Pudding is powerful energy. It is the best of both worlds. At first it provides mega power to fly to the moon and secondly it got a great delicious taste. Especially for little nosey John the dog....

Ari climbs into the captain’s seat and checks all the controls. He’s never flown a spacecraft before.Olli nervously looks up. This will be their first trip to the moon!

“Moon-chicka-moon! Moon-chicka-moon!
I said, a-moon-chicka-moon! I said, a-moon-chicka-moon!
I said, a-moon-chicka-rocket! I said, a-moon-chicka-rocket!
Chicka-moon, chicka-rocket
Chicka-moon, chicka-rocket
Chicka-moon, chicka-rocket, we're singin’
We love your rocket let’s rock it.
And our green feet go swingin'