A Warm Dusty Story
A message in a bottle … and a journey round the world
Olli always dreamed of finding a message in a bottle. hands were shaking as I uncorked it
When a bottle washed up. He made it together with his friends his mission to track down
the sender what happens to be family of Kor the Crab.
The letter is from Uncle Louis who lives in the middle of the desert and aks for help...

Friends bring more happiness into our lives than virtually anything else
The power of friendship in Olli’s books make you think about how in Olli’s stories ,
more often than not, the most important relationships are friendships.
For kids especially, the author Didi Bok thinks it's worth celebrated it so prominently in every stories.
Friends, friendships are very precious in life.

Like all managers, the Desert manager wants to feel important. In order to make this happen, he decides to be the boss of all the grains of sand.

Ollimania organized a special kids event to make new friends all over the globe.
Over a thousand bottles with unique handmade letters were thrown in the North Sea.
Amazingly it worked, till this day we celebrate new friendships born by this Olli event.

The longest journey a bottle has ever made is from England's east coast to Australia, a distance of 10 thousand miles.